After much prayer and discernment, FacetoFace Ministries has decided to take a year break from the Bus Trip and thus will not be offering a Bus Trip in 2019.

In place of the Bus Trip, FacetoFace is offering a Road Trip through Western Canada. For more information go to the FacetoFace Road Trip page.

What’s all included in a FacetoFace Bus Trip?

Daily Prayer and Sacraments

Each year we are blessed with a chaplain priest join us on the trip and offer daily Mass. He helps ensure solid Catholic teaching throughout the trip, and is a witness to everyone. As the trip progresses the youth are empowered as small groups to lead daily prayer.

Steubenville Conference

Travelling from Saskatoon, SK to a Catholic Conference in the U.S.A. and joining 3000 other teens all for the same purpose, Jesus Christ, is breath taking.  The conferences also have some of the best Catholic youth speakers and worship bands in North America.  Many youth's highlight of the conference, and entire trip, is Saturday night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Service Work

After the conference the youth are sent forward to live their faith through a couple days of service work in the area.  This hands-on part of the trip is always memorable.


Spending over a week with 50 other Catholic youth is another noteworthy aspect of the trip. Youth build Christ-centered relationships that can last a life time.

Amusement Park

The trip is finished with a day at a local amusement park to celebrate before the drive back home.